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Streamline cumbersome

care pathways

patient onboarding

clinical protocols

triage flows

clinical workflows

self-help programs

care programs


in days

Awell's platform allows non-tech teams to design, automate, and improve care flows independently—no programming or IT required.
Over 400 clinical and product leaders use Awell to improve lives and save time. See customers and results→

Your workflows, your way

Don't adapt your way of working to a rigid system. Drag and drop to create flows that are tailored precisely to how you want to deliver care.
“What truly stands out is the empowerment Awell gives to our clinical operations staff. They can independently create and manage workflows, bypassing the need for IT team intervention.”
Ellen Su
Chief Product Officer at Wellinks

Easy to get started

Put clinical experts in control. Our drag-and-drop interface and library with 120+ validated questionnaires help you cover even the most complex clinical workflows without needing developers.
“Awell’s impact became evident from day one. The speed and efficiency it brought to handling our complex workflows is remarkable.”
Karen Duprez
Process Optimization Manager at AZ Jan Palfijn

Collaborate and validate

Run automated validation checks to help reduce regulatory burden. Share virtual cases with external experts for clinical validation before going live.
“Awell has been the key to unlocking our scalability. Awell's automation allowed us to focus on patient care rather than admin tasks, expanding our services and transforming our team-based approach to mental health care." 
Amy Coltman
Product Lead at Mindler

Bring your flows to life. Once building is done, hit publish and start enrolling patients in your flows. We handle orchestration in our compliant back-end so you don’t have to worry about it.


Save engineering resources for what makes you you

Stop writing custom code for features that already exist. Our easy to use APIs save time so your engineers can focus on crafting the ultimate care team and patient experience.
“With Awell we’re able to reduce our engineering efforts on care flow development by 40%.”
Gabriel Wirz
Director of Product at Commons Clinic

Awell <3 your systems

Easily connect with your EHR system, and other essential tools using our growing list of integrations. For a quick start, Awell can run independently - no integration hassle.
“Awell's platform has been a game-changer for us. It's empowering me to independently design and tweak our care flows, integrating perfectly with our in-house portal.”
Adam Breckler
Co-founder and Chief Product Officer
Better Health

Realtime insights on outcomes and care flow performance

Identify bottlenecks and discover improvement opportunities in clinical operations. Easily connect your business intelligence tools for in-depth analysis.
“We published scientific research demonstrating the impact of our Awell-powered care pathway. It not only reduced emergency department visits but also enhanced overall survival rates and decreased the duration of stays in the day clinic.”
Prof. Dr. Ingel Demedts
Head Of the Department of Pulmonary Diseases at AZ Delta

Iterate faster, more frequently

Improve care flows based on real-time insights to drive better performance.
“Healthcare is evolving rapidly, and by integrating with Awell’s CareOps platform, our teams are enabled to navigate these complexities with agility, innovate swiftly, and maintain our leading position in value-based healthcare.“
Brandon Sim, President and CEO
President and CEO at Astrana Health
(+1 million patients under VBC arrangements)

You'll hate Awell if…

Your care team find joy in repetitive paperwork.

Sadly, Awell exists to automates tedious admin tasks, freeing your care team from burnout and letting them focus on patient care.

Your ops team gets the thrill of begging engineers for every tiny care flow tweak.

We only have drag-and-drop interfaces that let clinicians and ops team make changes themselves.

Your engineering team loves vendors without APIs or proper dev docs.

We only have an API-first tech stack proven to integrate seamlessly with third-party systems. Even worse, we've got robust SDKs to extend that interoperability to your homegrown applications too.

Your engineers love wasting their talent on non-differentiating tasks instead of innovating

We free up your engineering team so they can work on cool stuff, not tweaking surveys, messaging or if-this-then-that logic. Sorry, not sorry!

Radically improving the way your team interacts with patients starts here


Life expectancy doubled at one year follow-up. ¹


Minutes saved per year for healthcare staff at one of our partners. ²


Capacity increase noticed in patient intake. ³

Drive operational & clinical excellence

Read more about how Awell can help you build and operate care pathways, patient onboarding, triage, self-help programs and clinical protocols that make care teams and patients move as one.
  • Ensure evidence-based care delivery
    Reduce errors and waste in clinical practice by making sure everyone knows what’s the next step.
  • Happy team, happy patients
    Care flows reduce risk for burnout through seamless collaboration, automation of routine tasks and enabling multidisciplinary work.
  • Move fast, don’t break things
    Stay ahead of your competition by using the insights from our tools to make your care flow performance better day after day.
  • Better outcomes, lower cost
    Demonstrate clinical and financial ROI to customers, payers and patients.

Customers love the speed and flexibility of Awell

Explore Case Studies

How AZ Maria Middelares increased their departmental capacity by 50%

Read their story

How a Regional Hospital Achieved a 99% Reduction in Effort to Reach Governmental Requirements

Read their story

How Mindler UK Streamlined Mental Health Support and Increased Efficiency by 80%

Read their story
Professor Ingel Demedts
AZ Delta
“We published scientific research in 2021 that showcased that our care pathway reduced emergency department visits, increased overall survival rate and decreased length of stay in the day clinic. That’s something we’re really proud of.”
Karen Duprez
AZ Jan Palfijn
“Integrating Awell into our system was a turning point. The speed and efficiency it brought to handling patient surveys are remarkable. It shifted our focus from meeting mandates to doing so efficiently.”
Steffi Ryckaert
AZ Maria Middelares
"Using Awell Health results in better care for patients. Our care team is better prepared for consultation, ask more relevant questions to patients and refers patients more effectively to the healthcare provider they need."
Amy Coltman
"Awell can solve far more problems than you might first think. It's not just a tool; it's a comprehensive solution that can enhance most processes within your business. Explore it, understand it, and let it transform the way you operate.”
Adam Breckler
Better Health
"Awell's platform has been a game-changer for us. It's empowering to independently design and tweak our care flows, integrating perfectly with our in-house portal. This shift has not only increased our operational capacity but also accelerated our responsiveness to patient needs. Truly a capacity-multiplier in our fast-paced environment."
Andres Lasn
“Awell helps us to reach our goals faster than we could otherwise.”
Ellen Su
"One of the things that was really powerful is that our clinical ops person who's actually developing and recording those workflows, was able to go in and set up those workflows herself."
Martine Knaebels
AZ Monica
“As any healthcare professional in a busy clinic will tell you: things can get crazy. But finding new ways to keep things organized is time-consuming — and takes time away from the patients. Awell changed that. We are now collaborating more as a team and have more time available for patients at the same time.”

Ship clinical workflows 10x faster.

  • Demedts, I., Himpe, U., Bossuyt, J., Anthoons, G., Bode, H., Bouckaert, B., Carron, K., Dobbelaere, S., Mariën, H., van Haecke, P., & Verbeke, W. (2021). Clinical implementation of value based healthcare: Impact on outcomes for lung cancer patients. Lung Cancer, 162, 90–95.
  • Based on a 2-years analysis of 2492 patients in a Belgian hospital (2021).
  • Ryckaert, S. (2021, December 4). AZ Maria Middelares: High-Tech With a Human Touch.

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