Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite-26 (EPIC-26) Clinical Workflow

Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite-26 Clinical Workflow


The Expanded Prostate cancer Index Composite measures health related quality of life among men with prostate cancer [1]. It represents an adaptation of the UCLA Prostate Cancer Index [2]. It is modified to enhance sensitivity to therapy effects by increasing the number of prostate-targeted items to 50 (compared to 20 in the original UCLA-PCI).
However, 50 items constitute a lengthy assessment tool and raises questions about feasibility of use in routine clinical care. Therefore, a short 26-item version of EPIC (EPIC-26) was developed to enhance its utility [3]. It contains only 26 items and the same 5 domains as the full version of EPIC: Urinary Incontinence, Urinary Irritative/Obstructive, Bowel, Sexual, and Hormonal.

The Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite-26 flow contains the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite-26 (EPIC-26) questionnaire and associated calculation. After form submission, the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite-26 calculation is executed automatically. It's easy to extend this flow with conditional logic based on the interpretation of the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite-26 calculation.

Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite-26 (EPIC-26) questionnaire

Questions and Scoring

The questionnaire, as well as the scores for each answer can be found here.


In general terms, a higher score represents a better HRQOL.


[1] Wei JT, Dunn RL, Litwin MS, Sandler HM, Sanda MG. Development and validation of the expanded prostate cancer index composite (EPIC) for comprehensive assessment of health-related quality of life in men with prostate cancer. Urology. 2000;56(6):899-905. doi:10.1016/s0090-4295(00)00858-x\
[2] Litwin MS, Hays RD, Fink A, Ganz PA, Leake B, Brook RH. The UCLA Prostate Cancer Index: development, reliability, and validity of a health-related quality of life measure. Med Care. 1998;36(7):1002-1012. doi:10.1097/00005650-199807000-00007\
[3] Szymanski KM, Wei JT, Dunn RL, Sanda MG. Development and validation of an abbreviated version of the expanded prostate cancer index composite instrument for measuring health-related quality of life among prostate cancer survivors. Urology. 2010;76(5):1245-1250. doi:10.1016/j.urology.2010.01.027

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